terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013

Father´s Day


Dia do Pai

Entre a correria dos dias e a chuva que tem invadido esta primavera, o chão esteve seco por breves instantes. A ideia foi bem aceite pelas miúdas embora ainda tivessem perguntado se era mesmo para se deitarem no chão....assim como quem pensa a mãe está doida! E o Pai, adorou claro!

Father´s Day

Our winter this year is still very cold and rainy, but we managed to get the street dry for a while to get this picture for daddy. Girls first asked me "Are we really lie on the floor?"....with the "mum´s crazy" face...and daddy loved it!

7 comentários :

  1. Very cool! I've always wanted to do a shot like this! Although I might have to wait until Eva is a little older :)

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  3. This is awesome! How did you get up so high to catch the photo? It's beautiful!!

    1. :) I took the picture from our 1st floor window.
      I ´ve got several pictures with this perspective as they play outside with friends. I´ll show them in a new post one of this days!
